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Manage your team website


Your team website is an opportunity to draw in new customers and satisfy existing ones—and it’s most powerful when it’s customized to reflect your team. You can manage your team website right in Zap by clicking on “My Team” in the left navigation panel and selecting “Team Website.”

Cover Photo

At the top of the page, you’ll see your cover photo: a large image that is displayed in the background of your website. Customize your cover photo by clicking “Change cover photo” beside the camera icon in the top right corner of the image.


You’ll be prompted to upload a new photo. To do so:

  1. Click “Choose File” and select a file to upload from your computer. The photo should be saved as a .jpg or .png file, should be at least 1920 by 1080 pixels, and should be no larger than 12 MB.
  2. Drag your cursor to crop the photo to display how you’d like, and then click “Crop”.
  3. Agree to the terms of service and confirm that you’d like to upload your cover photo by clicking “Agree & Upload”.

Team Photo

You can also customize your team photo—ideally, you should upload a photo of your whole team! Once you have a great photo with everyone in it, upload it using the following steps.


  1. Click on the plus symbol in the bottom right corner of your current photo.
  2. Click “Choose File” and select a photo to upload from your computer. The photo should be saved as a .jpg or .png, and should be no larger than 5MB.
  3. Drag your cursor to crop the photo as you’d like, and click “Crop”.
  4. Click “Upload Photo”.

Team Statement

Under the section labeled “About Team”, you can enter your team statement: a brief description that lets readers know what it’s like to work with your team, and what makes your particular team unique.


Click the pencil icon beside “Team Statement” to type or paste your statement in. You’ll need to keep it under 4000 characters. Check your spelling and make sure your statement reflects your team well! Once your team statement looks good, click “Save”.


Featured Listings

Your Featured Listings module is an aggregate of all your team members’ active featured listings, and is displayed beneath your team statement. Click the pencil icon next to “Heading” to change the phrase that appears above your team’s featured listings. Make sure your new heading is 50 characters or fewer. You can also choose whether or not you want to display this module on your website—if not, just switch the toggle labeled “Display to consumers” to grey (off).


Contact Person


You’ll need to display a point of contact on your team website’s homepage so that consumers can easily get in touch with someone who represents your team! Under “Contact Person”, choose whether you want to have that point of contact be the team’s leader or whether you want to display a featured agent on your team on a rotating basis.


You can also change the heading that appears above your point of contact by clicking the pencil icon next to “Heading”.


Team Members Module


This module is the perfect place to showcase your team members. You can customize the heading, choose what information you want to display about each member, and show or hide team members. You can also manage team permissions here.


Customize your heading by clicking on the pencil icon next to “Heading”.


Under “What information do you want to display about each team member on your team website?”, you can choose to display each member’s role, star rating, and office.


  • Role will let consumers know whether each person is a team member or a team leader.
  • Star rating will show the average star rating for each team member, based on the Zap agent reviews they’ve received.
  • Office will display the branch office that each team member works out of.


If you need to hide a team member, click on the eye icon in the top right of their photo.


You can also manage the permissions for each team member here. Underneath their name, photo, and information, click the pencil icon next to “Limited Permission” or “Full Permission”.

  • Limited Permission: Team members with limited permissions can view but not edit the Team Website page. They’ll only be able to view their team leads, and will only be able to reassign those leads to the team leader.
  • Full Permission: Team members with full permissions will be able to edit the Team Website, can view all team leads, and can reassign those team leads to any team member.


Reviews Module

Team reviews are aggregated of all team members’ individual reviews on Zap. Team ratings are also an aggregate of all team members’ average ratings. Any team member who is visible on your team website will have their reviews and ratings counted toward your team’s reviews. You can choose to display either reviews for your team or testimonials, and you can opt to turn off the entire section using the “Display to consumers” toggle.


Areas Served Module


Your Areas Served module is a section on your website’s homepage that features up to 21 cities that you’d like to highlight for customers. Each city that you include in the module will appear as a clickable link to a corresponding search results page.

You can customize the module by adding and removing cities and changing the order in which the cities appear. You can also customize the title of the module.


Please note: Changing the cities that are publicly displayed in your Areas Served module will not impact your website’s coverage area. Your customers will still have the ability to search anywhere within your team’s service markets.


Think of this module as a place to highlight the major cities you do business in and provide quick links to your customers – not as an exhaustive list of the areas you cover.


Follow these steps to customize your Areas Served module:

  1. If you’d like to customize the module heading, click the pencil icon and type in a new heading. Your new heading can be up to 50 characters long. When you’re done, click Save.
  2. Under “Cities,” you’ll see all of the cities that are currently visible in your module.
  • If you’d like to remove a city, hover over it and click the X.
  • If you’d like to add a new city, click “+ Add new city here” below the list. You’ll see a blinking cursor appear. Start typing the name of the city (the city must be within your team’s service markets). If you already have 21 cities, you’ll need to remove one first. Check the orange bar to see how many cities you have remaining.
  • If you’d like to reorder the cities, click a city name and drag it to your preferred position.


You can hide the Areas Served module by switching the toggle in the upper right labeled “Display to consumers” to grey (off).


Viewing and sharing your team website

At the top of the Team Website page, you’ll see a button labeled “View Team Website.” Click that button to take a look at what your website looks like to consumers. To share your team website with someone, copy the URL under “Team’s Website URL”. This should ensure that the leads from that website are distributed to your team members.


Team Welcome Emails

When you (or one of your team members) adds a new Contact to Zap, you can send a welcome email encouraging the Contact to get started using your team’s website. You may want everyone in your team to send out the same welcome message. To do so, start by creating a template and share it with your team members.


Once you’ve agreed on a template, have each team member follow these steps:


  1. First, click on your name in the top navigation menu, then select Lead and Notification Settings.
  2. Scroll down to the field labeled “Manual Lead Welcome Email”.
  3. Paste your welcome email content into the field.
  4. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click “Save”.